
Recipe: Beet, Ginger, Lemon Grass & Coconut Soup

Hello everybody! I feel like I haven’t touched my website for ages as I had a long break in Cornwall and London with my family. We were so blessed with such a glorious weather, dazzling sun, clear blue sky, joyous birds’ singing and fresh warm spring wind…oh joy! Throwback to […]


Recipe: Salmon, Blue Stilton in Baking Paper

It’s going to be milder weather in Cornwall. And Spring is nearly there, which is my most favourite season. Luckily, I’m having two weeks off and I have made appointments to catch up my good friends everyday because when I have pop-up works, it’s difficult to find enough time to […]


Recipe -Warm Seafood, Broccoli, Chorizo Quick Salad

Do you think broccoli is super vegetable?Yes, it is, but do you know there is a tip to keep their super nutrition longer even at your kitchen? Key is letting broccoli rehydrate with water after your purchase.First cut off the bottom section of stalk thinly and then soak the section […]


Smoked Haddock Creamy White Stew

Simple is the best, right? Chop roughly vegetables -carrot, leek and lots of garlic.Apply sunflower oil in a stew pan and add vegetables.Add some sea salt and fry on low heat until the garlic is infused into oil.Sprinkle some plain flour and coat vegetables well. Take it easy, thud some […]