Recipe: Smoked Haddock, Potato, Hijiki (brown sea vegetable) Fritter

This hearty Izakaya-like (Japanese pub) meal is so delightful food as not only super fluffy and mouth-melting texture but also it’s so high nutritious food. So all ages can absolutely enjoy that even babies also!

Smoked Haddock, Potato, Hijiki (brown sea vegetable) Fritter

The hidden tip for making such a fluffy fritter is adding whipped egg white to the mixture.

Whipping might be one more work for you, but this step amazingly brings you a big result.

And another remarkable element is Hijiki (brown sea vegetable).

Typical Japanese ingredient, Hijiki

This dried seaweed contains lots of good minerals and calcium, especially it is said that their amount of calcium is twelve times as much as cow’s milk.


It would take 30 minutes for preparing and cooking for this dish.
Does it sound not too bad, doesn’t it.
Also my recipe is step-by-step recipe using actual pictures, so I hope this would be able to encourage you to try this good food at your kitchen.

Deep-fried carrot as a side dish

Squeeze the lime and enjoy while they are still hot!

Thank you for visiting my website.

Naoko x

About Naoko Kashiwagi 1021 Articles
Japanese chef, Culinary artist