Takeaway Menu for August 2020

Someone seems like he would have his first Singaporean tooth fairy!

This happy young man picked our home-growing organic rosemary for me.

I used that rosemary for the takeaway which was pasta on the menu.

The menu was Aromatic Rosemary Chicken with Creamy Tomato Suace, Carrot Salad with Onion Dressing.

This is my original healthy onion dressing.

This is so versatile and you can match it with any vegetables.

Especially fresh carrot with this dressing is my favourite.
The one of customers who ordered the takeaway of yesterday hurried to send a message to me just after the delivery, and he asked to order one more box because his wife tasted the pasta and she fell in love with that, and desperately she would like to eat it 🙂 What an honour! So I made extra pasta straight away and delivered the hottest box.

Treating customers like my family -this is my philosophy and making our customers happy with our food is more than pleasure.

You can learn the same taste in my casual Italian cooking class in August.
Also, you are welcome if you would be interested in our takeaway service and order food even you are not our neighbours!

Now we opened our next month’s menu.

More sample images are HERE

Hope to see you soon on any occasions 🙂

Naoko xx

About Naoko Kashiwagi 1019 Articles
Japanese chef, Culinary artist