Boys’ Dream -Super Crispy Karaage/Chicken Wings, Garlicky Gizzard

A quick throwback to the other day’s dinner which was desperately requested by the boys.

That was a KARAAGE!!

Mega Karaage platter! 🙂

In Japan, we have two types of Karaage batter, one is soft and fluffy and another is crispy and crunchy.
My favourite is crunchy and the boys’ is same as mine, but it is not easy to find such an authentic crispy Karaage around us in Singapore, so they asked me to make it.

This is garlicky gizzard.

Chicken wings obviously.

Nanohana 菜の花 Ohitashi (Soy Katsuobushi Marinated baby chye sim)
The boys loved the balance of texture of crispiness of Karaage and tenderness of chye sim, also harmony in their palate of oiliness and clean taste of chicken and vegetable.

Oh boy, mummy is always happy to see your devouring! hahaha

Have a lovely weekend!


About Naoko Kashiwagi 1019 Articles
Japanese chef, Culinary artist