Thank you for joining the class -Miso Braised Mackrel (鯖の味噌煮), Grilled Onigiri with Kombucha Dashi Soup (焼きおにぎり茶漬け)

Flashback to our new cooking course in October.

We made three traditional Japanese home-style dishes together -Miso Braised Mackrel (鯖の味噌煮), Grilled Onigiri with Kombucha Dashi Soup (焼きおにぎり茶漬け)

First thing first, we shared how to fillet the fresh mackerel using the whole fish.

Well done, she beautifully made the fillet. And made the Miso braised Mackerel.

Secondly, made triangular rice ball which is named Onigiri.

Look at this! She made perfect handmade Onigiri.

She said this was her first time to make Onigiri without using any mould. That is amazing!

After our hard working, finally it was tasting time!

Pour the hot Kombucha over the Yaki Onigiri.

Enjoy, the authentic Japanese taste and style!
We were really glad our lovely customer enjoyed learning the cooking and taste.

Sharing our traditional food and skills for them are absolutely our passion and joy, hence much appreciated our great customers’ continuous support.
If you are interested in our hands-on learning classes, just click the link HERE and feel free to get in touch with us!

Thank you to you all who have supported in Singapore, UK and Japan, once again.

Naoko xx

About Naoko Kashiwagi 1019 Articles
Japanese chef, Culinary artist