The Great Wave off Kanagawa (Katsushika Hokusai 1829-1833)

Singapore is an abundant place to meet amazing modern art works not only architectures but also paintings. There are so many opportunities to be amazed by free spirits and inspirations of artist/architects. At this moment, we are not allowed to visit to artistic places like museums and exhibitions due to circuit breaker, but the next phase would be around the corner (hopefully). Can’t wait to visit such fully stimulative places after that.

Today, we are going to share a little funny and art-kind food which we made before.
The art that was set as theme was one of the most well-know and popular Japanese art -The Great Wave off Kanagawa

I assume you might have seen this dynamic and iconic viewing of big waves and Mt Fuji before. This was drawn by a great artist and Ukiyo-e painter, Katsushika Hokusai between 1829 to 1833 and is one of my favourite Japanese art.

Then I reproduced this masterpiece on a plate.

The plate is consisted with ingredients for dessert and all are natural resources for colours.

Egg white which is infused with dried blue flowers.

Add sugar and whip for creating 3D waves. And blue coloured rhubarbs and caramelised banana and blue cheese toasted bread etc. are the main elements. The background of sky is made of honey jelly.

This dessert plate is something my hobby and love to arts 🙂

I am so excited to meet a lot of fantastic arts of Singaporean artists soon after the CB will be over.
Thanks for visiting our food blog, stay well and keep positive.

Naoko xx

About Naoko Kashiwagi 1020 Articles
Japanese chef, Culinary artist