Wagyu Tataki with Wasabi Ponzu & Garlic Chip, Aubergine Miso Dengaku Gratin

Hi everybody!
Thanks for visiting our food blog.

Today’s menu captures Wagyu beef, which has amazingly marble pattern.

Wagyu beef is not affordable price to get a decent amount, however we are happy to have quality ingredients even with small amount only.

Then we created the menu.
Wagyu Tataki with Wasabi Ponzu & Garlic Chip, Aubergine Dengaku Gratin

The sliced Wagyu is lightly seared by blow torch, and then we appreciated the succulent and mouth-melt flavour and texture.
Indulged and letted our tastebuds tantalised.

For the aubergine Dengaku Gratin was basically cooked by traditional Japanese cooking method, however we added some more western twist, so even the children would be able to enjoy the vegetables.

We were quite chuffed to recharge the stamina 🙂

Hope you all are well. And really wish the virus issue solved very soon.

Naoko xx

About Naoko Kashiwagi 1020 Articles
Japanese chef, Culinary artist