Easter Version -Colourful Ebi (prawn) Shinjo (dumplings)

A throwback of our Easter’s celebrating with Japanese twist 🙂

Ebi Shinjo is very traditional and formal food in Japanese cuisine but I let them dress up with Easter version which looks like cute bunnies! Traditionally we do not have any customs that celebrate Easter since the majority of Japanese people are Buddhism or no-religious.
However, in these circumstances that have last for over 2 years, why not letting ourselves entertained as much as we can!?

Obviously, my family loooved the dumplings as their springy but crispy texture and the great taste of prawns captured their appetising.

We are already excited to share this food to our customers in our cooking class in May!
Hope to see as many of you as we can.


About Naoko Kashiwagi 1019 Articles
Japanese chef, Culinary artist