Char-grilled Anago Kabayaki (conger eel) & Negi Toro Tuna Sushi Cake

A dinner of the kids, by the kids, for the kids 🙂

We are enough lucky to have such a wonderful supplier of the freshest seafood of Japan. The other day, we got a fresh Anago from Japan, which was imported by Soshinsen

I made Kabayaki using that Anago and let the boys make their own dinner by themselves!

The fillings are Anago Kabayaki, Negi Toro Tuna, Kinshi Tamago (Dashi egg) and Okura. They were so fascinated to make their own food!

Kids had fun, I saved my time, oh joy, everybody was happy!

Stay Well, Eat Well

Naoko xx

About Naoko Kashiwagi 1019 Articles
Japanese chef, Culinary artist