Hojicha Chicken Gomoku Okowa & Hatsu Gatsuo (Bonito season) Makanai for family

It’s a bonito season in Japan!!
We call bonito, ‘Hatsu gatsuo 初鰹’, in this season in Japan and the flesh is very red and taste is fresh and light.
The Sashimi grade bonito arrived from Toyosu to Singapore.

To be honest, it is very expensive, but not surprised because the quality is superb.
So, we decided to use this bonito for our cooking class in June!
And we tasted the bonito scraping around the spine and bones. lol

Absolutely this can be called Makanai that means remaining foods for restaurants’ staffs in our culture!
And company was Hojicha Chicken Gomoku Okowa.

Hahaha, it was so fun to tuck in the bones with everybody!

We are going to announce the new courses for June soon.
Hope to see as many of you as possible!


About Naoko Kashiwagi 1019 Articles
Japanese chef, Culinary artist