Cornish Horse mackerel -Sushi, Sashimi salad with pickled plum, Pickled mooli, Clear soup

Autumn has arrived at Cornwall whilst I had a journey in Japan for two weeks.
I really appreciate this beautiful season which is filled with thousands of colours.

The other day, I got freshest Cornish horse mackerels from a local fishmonger.
Horse mackerel in Autumn is especially delightful as they gain a nice fat around their body. 

I made these very Japanese dishes for my family who were tired out by a long jet lag.
Cornish horse mackerel – Sushi, Sashimi salad, Pikled mooli, Clear soup

Can you believe that I didn’t use any oil for them at all!

Lightly grilled horse mackerel sushi
Sashimi (raw) horse mackerel with pickled plum salad (鯵の梅たたき)
Pickled mooli (菊花大根)
clear soup (船場汁)
Ummm perfect for warming up our normal life.

And it’s getting colder towards Christmas!
Take care of yourself everyone and have a lovely week.
