
Tokyo Olympic 2020 Bento

Somebody was fascinated to watching the Olympics. lolIt’s a shame not to be allowed to visit Japan for sending our cheers to the athletes but we are free to imagine like we are in Japan!Then I made a Bento that themed Olympics. The kids made national flags 🙂 Every Olympics […]


Japanese Chicken Curry

We love Japanese curry that is made of shop-selling curry paste, but sometimes I feel it is too heavy for me since the curry paste contains so much grease -if you have washed a plate that served curry, it would not be hard to find the meaning.Hence, I prefer homemade […]


Bolognese Rice Bake

This is one of my kids’ favourite, but was not surprised as Bolognese meat sauce is always a winner for kids. In Japan, we have our very own food that use the meat sauce. That is called Doria.Doria is a casserole with white sauce (sauce béchamel) and rice and there […]


We Are OPEN in August!

Look at this scrumptious Ramen photo, that was taken by our customer who has joined the class of Classic Tokyo-style Ramen before. The shoyu (soy sauce) Dashi soup looks beautifully made and so clean!We can not be more grateful for our customers’ kind sharing of your remaking. Now, it’s time […]