Nanban Zuke Salad

Nanban Zuke (南蛮漬け) is another delightful Japanese home-style food. Nanban literally means southern barbarian and Zuke is marinade. Mostly we cook fish for it. A fish is fried and then marinated in a mixture of Dashi, vinegar, sugar and chilli peppers. It is said Nanban Zuke is similar to Escabeche that is Spanish and Portuguese dish and is believed to have been brought to Japan by the Portuguese in 16th century. That is why this dish is named Nanban that featured Portuguese (Southern Barbarians). What a historical dish!

This time, I deep-fry Toman fish and marinated in my own Nanban sauce that is made of Niban Dashi (second brewed Dashi) and vinegar etc. condiments.

This is the second brewed Dashi.
Marinated fish in Nanban sauce is so flavourful and i feel lighter despite it’s deep-fried as the marinade contains vinegar!
Then I served with loads of fresh vegetables and herbs like coriander, lemon grass.

Normally we don’t use fish sauce for Japanese cuisine as it’s not originated in Japan, however I dropped some into marinade this time. Hence, this Nanban Zuke is a kind of South Asian fusion food for me 🙂

No fuss and No guiltiness for dinner, right?

Stay Safe and Stay Well.

Naoko xx

About Naoko Kashiwagi 1018 Articles
Japanese chef, Culinary artist